My Daughters Floor Bed

Inspired by a love for the outdoors and camping

Read the full story behind this bed below!

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Our Story

Welcome! My name is Liam Fisher, founder and owner of LilFish.

This journey began in our daughters nursery, when my fiancee' asked me if I could build a montessori style toddler floor bed . She wanted something that our daughter felt excited to sleep and play in. For years prior we had discussed the manner in which we would raise our kids. We wanted: structured freedom, independance to explore, and fun to be our core fundamentals. This meant, incorporating these attributes into the bed frame, where our daughter would be spending so much of her time. After MANY long hours in my shop, I brought in the pieces, assembled them in her nursery, and suprised them both with the finsihed product.

We were honestly in shock with how it turned out. It added a look and feel to the room we could never have dreamed of. We quickly got to decorating it with lights, faux plants, large wall stickers of trees and animals, and to top it off, placed 200 glow in the dark stars on the ceilling above.

Our daughter has enjoyed every nap and nighttime since. She lays back and counts the stars, runs her fingers through the trees, pets the animals and most importantly, falls asleep in a happy peaceful mood.

We found that most benificial part for us PARENTS.. Was that when your baby/toddler wakes up, they dont feel trapped. They can slowly rise, crawl out of bed, grab a book or toy and begin playing. Most times after a nap, we hear little footsteps on the floor, running back and forth from the bookshelf to bed. We've often peeked through the door to find her awake, but quitely tinkering away at something she enjoys, half tucked in and happy.